Dessert & Wine Pairings

Dessert & Wine Pairings

We normally think about wine pairings with savory foods, but wine goes well with dessert too.  In this post I’ll walk you through four types of sweet wine and what desserts they go best with.  As a bonus, I’ve included links to recipes from some 

Cabernet Franc Recommendations

Cabernet Franc Recommendations

My favorite red wine has always been Cabernet Franc.  I find that it is delicious by itself and easy to pair with food.  In relation to other grapes you’re probably more familiar with, I’d describe it as: Not as big and more balanced than a 

Napa & Sonoma: 4-Day Trip

Napa & Sonoma: 4-Day Trip

One of the best things about Napa and Sonoma is you can easily visit them year-round unlike other wine regions that are either very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer.  The prime time to visit is the fall harvest season, but 

Sparkling Wine Recommendations

Sparkling Wine Recommendations

Photo Credit: Zachera Photo Now that we’ve covered sparkling wine basics, let’s jump into what to look for at the store.  I’ve broken my sparkling wine recommendations into three price tiers: Under $20, $20 to $50, and Over $50.  Now, the question that may be 

Sparkling Wine Basics

Sparkling Wine Basics

With the holidays approaching, I thought sparkling wine would be the perfect topic for my first ‘Wine 101’ post.  Even though sparkling wine producers have been trying to convince the world that sparkling wine is great for everyday consumption (which is it!), it is still 

How It All Began

How It All Began

As I begin my blog journey, I thought it was only fitting that I talk about another beginning, the beginning of my wine journey.  We all have moments that are permanently etched in our memories and the moment I got into wine is one of 

Thanksgiving Wine Recommendations

Thanksgiving Wine Recommendations

Thanksgiving is without a doubt my favorite holiday of the year.  I love how it brings everyone together and reminds us to be thankful for the wonderful things in our lives.  Per tradition, I will be celebrating in Columbus with my parents.  This tradition goes